Sunday, November 6, 2016


Opening statement
Indoor and outdoor
Team sport
Played around the world
When it started who founded it
If you dream or really want to play cricket you have to have Good sportsmanship and doesn’t play as a team you won’t play good in cricket and you won’t get far to live your dream to be Are international cricketer. and you International Cricket Council [ICC] recognizes more than 125 countries that play cricket. ICC has 10 Full Members, 38 Associate Members and ?q59 Affiliate Members. That adds up to 107 countries. The
West Indies cricket team does not represent a single country. There Are all kinds of cricket there is T2o-is a cricket game as normal but in that game each team has twenty overs because normal matches for international  cricket is fifty overs but the age i play in [year 6] we play  twenty five over games.twilight cricket- Twilight 2 cricket,is  played on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, are 20-over matches, who either don't play Saturday cricket, or play Senior B or C grade. Test Match- Test cricket is the longest form of the sport of cricket and is considered its highest standard. Test matches are played between national re

representative teams with "Test status", as determined by the International Cricket Council (ICC). The two teams of 11 players play
a four-innings match, which may last up to five days. One day cricket-A One Day International (ODI) is a form of limited overs cricket, played between two teams with international status, in which each team faces a fixed number of overs, usually 50. In Cricket you where all sorts of gears to protect parts Around your body as you can see below,
you have to have a bat, your team uniform, helmet, thigh pads, batting gloves for both handa, Box, Pads for both legs, shoes for both feet, and when you're batting you can take a risk and don’t wear a helmet, when your bowling you don’t need any gear when your feilding you don’t need one But to fielders do need to have gear wicket keeper and  

Thursday, November 3, 2016

This is my calendar art from Cinderlla & Rockerfella

Bike Safety

On The 2nd of November
we had someone from the police, they had come to our school so we had to listen to the biking rules for a long time but it was very interesting of some rules but i knew most of the rules. and when you look at the rules it's quite interesting what the rules of the road a and the law. It was very interesting because most of the rules that there were i knew but when I was seeing the rules I didn't know all of it by looking at all the rules and reading them bikes can mess your life up forever.

I prefer people to be very briskly way so they get heart plus lots of car drivers do it by accident but the solution goes very bad there will be serious injuries arguments.  

Trip to my country

When I was on the plane going to Sri Lanka I hated the food so I didn't eat I just watched a movie then went to sleep. My mum abruptly woke me up and said eat some food because your starving. I ate some and I gave the left overs to my dad to eat because he loves eating vegetables and things like that.

When I was flying over Sri Lanka it was midnight. It was about 2 o'clock when me and my mum and dad got our luggage but my brothers luggage wasn't there! We told the counter at the airport they said they'll ring the number on the luggage bag because they were same luggage bag. All my cousins were waiting at the airport. I was shy to give them a hug but I gave all of them hugs.

We got to my cousins house that we were staying at while we were in Sri Lanka for one month. My little cousin was five months old and she is a girl and my second little cousin is three and also a girl and my third little cousin is a boy and he is six then it's me then my big brother and my big cousin and his a boy and he is thirteen.
It was eleven o'clock when I woke up in the morning. I was so sleepy. On our first day my family and cousins went on a tour around Colombo.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

My Roll in my production

On Wednesday two weeks ago we started practising for our school production. Today is Monday the 27th of June and we have been performing in front of the school. Sometimes Mr R took the boys volleyball and practised and fixed things up or put new things in to make it better. If you don't know what volleyball is, it's a dance for our production and some boys from different classes are in it too, plus my class boys and me. If you don't know what a production is it's performances of the same story on a stage. Our production is called Cinderella and Rockerfella.

On July the third and fourth we have our performance at the Regent Theatre in Palmerston North. On these days, even today, we have practise for the production. Sometimes we have to be the audience for other acts than when it’s our turn we go up on stage and perform and the others are our audience.
There are two people in the production who have lead roles. They are Cinderella and Rockerfella. They are in the whole production.I wonder how many things that they have to remember. It’s really hard.
I was very excited to dance in front of my family. They thought that I danced really well.
I can't say that I had the hardest part because a production is a team effort.

My favourite part in all the dances I did was volleyball because I get to go up into the front and it's got lots of moves. A couple of those moves are my favourite moves. When I did it it felt good and the audience had a couple of laughs while we were doing it. It felt like we were doing a great job of entertaining the audience.

At the end of the performance I felt joyful, happy, calm and happy that my family had come to see me perform on the stage because they've never seen me dance on a stage before. I felt glad that it was over but really proud of how much we had achieved. It had been an epic journey!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

My Favourite Part of Being in GRi112.0

My favourite part of being in GRi112.0 is Fast track. Before you can get on to Fast track you have to have a computer. Then you have to go into your Classroom on the computer and in to the home page and you're in Fast track. Fast track is where all your work is scheduled for the week but you get to choose what you do and when you do it during that week.

Some people don't do some tasks. They do the tasks they like to do but you have to do all the tasks before Monday or Tuesday because you do NOT want to do it at lunch time. Other people don't and they have do it at lunch time. Some people use different methods to finish fast track. I like to complete the hard tasks first and leave the easier ones for later. I think it makes it easier when you get to the end of the week and you only have the easy tasks to finish.

After you have finished a task on Fast track you have to go on url shortener and shorten the link on Google url shortener. You copy the link and paste it on Fast track. If you have read my TTS blog post, you should know what I'm going to say now! If you have't read my blog post, just scroll down and you will see a post called TTS. If you compare the TTS to Fast track, I would pick Fast track because you get to have some freedom in your learning as well as flexibility and the option to talk to your friends. If you have read both blog posts, which learning style do you think is better?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Traditional Teaching Style

On Tuesday the 10th of May my class wasn't allowed to come inside. The door had a sign that said "Do not enter the class until 8.50am". Miss G and Mr R were dressed in some of their formal clothes.  They were very strict and if you laughed or disobeyed them Mr R told us go and run two laps of the quad and do twenty burpees. One girl in my class got in trouble for having a little laugh. After that everyone noticed that we were working more than learning. The photo is our time table that we did on that day. I wasn't there on that day and all my friends told me what happened. I was bursting to write are blog post about it. They said that it felt like the olden days!

Sign Language - Finger Spelling

For home learning last week we had to do finger spelling because it was NZ Sign Language Week.
We had to spell our name with sign language. My name has six letters. My name is Teshan.  


Thursday, May 5, 2016

3 May

3 May

Every Tuesday the Senior Syndicate has sport rotations.  Sport rotations are different sports around the school. Sometimes Manawatu coaches from around Palmerston North come to our school and teach the students how to play sports.  My school is very lucky!  When there are no Manawatu coaches, students from our school coach us.  You don't just get that job though,  they have to prove that they're confident and capable.  They have to write an application letter before they are awarded the job. They can't be silly.  If you be want to be silly you can't be a sports coach.
My class has fifty nine people in it.  Half are girls and half are boys, so the boys are one group and the girls are another group.  Each group goes to a different rotation for 45 minutes.  Sports rotations last for an hour and a half..

When we are at sport rotations we don't just get into sports and games straight away, we do some warm ups. For example, sometimes we run back and forwards on the astroturf. Then we get into our little game of seaweed.  After that we practice some skills before we have a short game. After we've done some skills we go into are short game it's when there's four boys and all the other boys are in our circle and when the four boys comes in the circle they try hit the ball out the circle and if they hit you ball out of the circle you have to be on the sideline and try hit their ball out of the circle and than we did some  juggling and holding on the circle than if we have time sometime we play a game of hockey but we didn't have time.

After we finished hockey we were going onto badminton because every Tuesday we do two sport rotations and only one person in the whole school makes this happened my teacher mr robertson so I thank mr robertson so much for setting the sports rotation up and making it happen.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Swimming Sports

On Tuesday we had swimming sports for our houses. When everyone was at the Lido it was full of College Street kids.  Before I went to the Lido I put my togs on at school but some people got changed in to their togs at the Lido. When everyone sat down at the pool the teacher explained the rules to us. The people who couldn't swim in the deep pool went to the lower leisure pool because it wasn't so deep.

When the races started everyone cheered for their houses.  There are four houses and my house is Kea. My house colour is green.  I only wanted to go in one competitive event and one fun event. I entered the flutter board race and the relays that everyone had to do. Both my events were at the end of the swimming sports. I waited patiently until my events started.  It felt like it took forever!

In the middle of the swimming relays, Weka was coming first and my house, Kea was coming second.  I didn't have a clue where the other houses were coming. When I did the flutter board race, I came third. In my other event I didn't know where I came until the end. Weka won the relays, Kea came second, then Takahae was third and Tui came last. Everyone had a good time, even the lower leisure pool had fun.

When we were getting changed, the toilets were very loud because all the kids were talking and shouting and being silly. After everyone got changed, we went outside and got class photos at Ongley Park. Boys High were running their road race and that meant my big brother was there but I couldn't see him.

T20 Cricket

Today is a very exciting day for the T20 cricketers it's the finals and if we win we win the cup. and today was the day that will happen plus i got swimming so i had to go with another class to swimming with my cricket team because the cricket team and me were post to be at cricket so we had to go to swimming with clakscroou. at ten oclock so before i left school i got changed at school because i dont like going in to the toliets and lots of people will be silly.

When we were at the lido we got seperate do into our swiming groups I didn't know what group I was going to be put in but than I got put in one of the lowest when I a high swimmer but I just went with the group I was put in we went to the little pool first than went in the deep pool but we only went half way so I was disappointed after swiming I had to get changed but it was very noisey in there but I still got changed after I got changed. everyone for in one line than walked to the bus and went to school than my criket team got our things and rushed over to the parents than got in the car and went hokowhitu park after we were ther we did the toss and they one the toss and batted first.we got them all out for sixty runs and we and we chased them in twelve overs and than we won the trophie for t20 criket the next week the criket team got presented in front of the senior syndicate.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016



The Hurricanes came to our school.  They are one of the best super rugby teams. They came because one little girl entered us in a competition. Our school won out of hundreds of kids. When the Hurricanes were coming everyone was excited. Everybody waited nervously.

 The whole of CSNS was sitting and standing in the hall. Even More FM were there! Suddenly, Mr Valentine ran across the hall and when he passed us, we had to do the Mexican Wave and scream “Hurricanes!” While we waited, the teachers picked some music which boys sang too. It was really funny.

 Then, the moment we had been waiting for, happened. Four hurricanes entered the hall. Everyone got so excited they screamed so loud I covered my ears up. The Hurricanes were waving at us and smiling. Then everyone said "hi" to the four Hurricanes.I thought all the Hurricanes were coming to our school but only four Hurricanes came to our school. I was a bit  disappointed.

The first thing they did was tell us their names. Lots of people were struggling to see, especially people at the back because lots of people were standing in front but luckily I was tall enough to see. During that I wanted to go to the front and sit down but I couldn't. When my teachers placed me at the back so I didn't move I stayed where I got moved. Even though we only had four of the Hurricanes, I still liked it and I hope the Hurricanes come to our school again, and then all the Hurricanes could come to our school!

Going Tramping At Camp

Before going on the tramp I set some goals for myself. I wanted to complete the tramp and I wanted all my classmates to complete it. I also wanted to have some fun while doing the tramp.

Before we left I needed a couple of things and the another parents and my classmates and myself had to pack our lunch boxes and fill our water bottles up. We had to wear shoes that could get muddy, and water proof shorts and just incase we had to take a rain coat. The teachers had to bring some safety gear incase someone got hurt while doing the tramp.

Before I went tramping I had to make sure I was hydrated and I had a little snack to eat so I wasn't leaving with a empty stomach. Than make sure I did some stretches and that my body was the right temperature by having the right clothing on for the walk.

I started the hike and about twenty minutes in my body temperature started rising so I took off my jumper and had a drink of water.  It was hard going up and because some hills were very steep and when we came down the hill lots of people slipped.

I felt joy in my body that I completed the tramp!