Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Going Tramping At Camp

Before going on the tramp I set some goals for myself. I wanted to complete the tramp and I wanted all my classmates to complete it. I also wanted to have some fun while doing the tramp.

Before we left I needed a couple of things and the another parents and my classmates and myself had to pack our lunch boxes and fill our water bottles up. We had to wear shoes that could get muddy, and water proof shorts and just incase we had to take a rain coat. The teachers had to bring some safety gear incase someone got hurt while doing the tramp.

Before I went tramping I had to make sure I was hydrated and I had a little snack to eat so I wasn't leaving with a empty stomach. Than make sure I did some stretches and that my body was the right temperature by having the right clothing on for the walk.

I started the hike and about twenty minutes in my body temperature started rising so I took off my jumper and had a drink of water.  It was hard going up and because some hills were very steep and when we came down the hill lots of people slipped.

I felt joy in my body that I completed the tramp!

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