Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Traditional Teaching Style

On Tuesday the 10th of May my class wasn't allowed to come inside. The door had a sign that said "Do not enter the class until 8.50am". Miss G and Mr R were dressed in some of their formal clothes.  They were very strict and if you laughed or disobeyed them Mr R told us go and run two laps of the quad and do twenty burpees. One girl in my class got in trouble for having a little laugh. After that everyone noticed that we were working more than learning. The photo is our time table that we did on that day. I wasn't there on that day and all my friends told me what happened. I was bursting to write are blog post about it. They said that it felt like the olden days!

Sign Language - Finger Spelling

For home learning last week we had to do finger spelling because it was NZ Sign Language Week.
We had to spell our name with sign language. My name has six letters. My name is Teshan.  


Thursday, May 5, 2016

3 May

3 May

Every Tuesday the Senior Syndicate has sport rotations.  Sport rotations are different sports around the school. Sometimes Manawatu coaches from around Palmerston North come to our school and teach the students how to play sports.  My school is very lucky!  When there are no Manawatu coaches, students from our school coach us.  You don't just get that job though,  they have to prove that they're confident and capable.  They have to write an application letter before they are awarded the job. They can't be silly.  If you be want to be silly you can't be a sports coach.
My class has fifty nine people in it.  Half are girls and half are boys, so the boys are one group and the girls are another group.  Each group goes to a different rotation for 45 minutes.  Sports rotations last for an hour and a half..

When we are at sport rotations we don't just get into sports and games straight away, we do some warm ups. For example, sometimes we run back and forwards on the astroturf. Then we get into our little game of seaweed.  After that we practice some skills before we have a short game. After we've done some skills we go into are short game it's when there's four boys and all the other boys are in our circle and when the four boys comes in the circle they try hit the ball out the circle and if they hit you ball out of the circle you have to be on the sideline and try hit their ball out of the circle and than we did some  juggling and holding on the circle than if we have time sometime we play a game of hockey but we didn't have time.

After we finished hockey we were going onto badminton because every Tuesday we do two sport rotations and only one person in the whole school makes this happened my teacher mr robertson so I thank mr robertson so much for setting the sports rotation up and making it happen.